It's going to happen. You'll fall off the wagon. Maybe that little bit of definition that you've been trying so hard to gain and maintain got lost thanks to one too many cheat days, nights or weeks. It happens to the best, the worst and all in between.
From one inbetweener to another (and no, I'm not talking about the TV show or the movie), get back to it this week. I had a bad week last week, coming off a throat infection and whatnot, but that's just stored energy for this week!
So you can't get to the gym tomorrow? Doesn't matter. Try to do something in the house tomorrow instead. Anything! Even if it's press-ups, squats and sit-ups. 50 of each tomorrow. Break it up into 5 sets if you have to. There's no shame in that. None at all. Because guess what? You did 50 more than all the others who decided to sit or sleep for that extra 20 minutes.
Maybe you could try the WOLVERINE workout, a non-equipment routine that will rip up your core. Or you could visit the Neila Rey website for more of these great routines. Everybody will find a favourite.
Following a motivational text from Elite Fitness, I want to make sure I get to a couple of the new callisthenics classes this week. In the poor-quality video below, you'll see me doing an advanced core exercise at home (targeting obliques, mostly) that I picked up during my 10-week programme. You can actually hear the kids in the background. They hadn't realised I'd snuck off for a quick workout.
The windmill:
If I'd seen this video a year ago, I'd never have believed it could have been done without CGI. That was last year, though. And I've my sights set on a few more fun moves for next year.